We live in a world obsessed with romance, social media and technology and the latest gadgets. Most of us think that our relationships should just be a part of what we know and are naturally good at. The truth is we are not. While romantic notions set up the marriage, it is these very notions that can destroy the relationship also, and which is why 41% of marriages fizzle after the first few years.
There is nothing more challenging – and rewarding – than marriage, and if you’re wise, you will prepare for it wisely too. Setting the foundation for a happy marriage by preparing for it can truly make the difference between a lifetime of wedded bliss, or broken dreams. Talking about sensitive issues such as religion, culture, money, previous relationships, family members, child rearing, and so on, before you are married can be very helpful in understanding each other’s values, opinions and beliefs on these topics, and lead to less struggles later on in the marriage.